Emails & hosting

Email step-by-step setup

These easy-to-follow visual guides provide step-by-step instructions on how to setup and troubleshoot your email program. Read article

Common mail problems

Answer our questions in this comprehensive guide to determine if/or which common mail problem you might currently be experiencing. Read article

Mailbox storage limits

This article guides you on the steps needed to limit the maximum email message size of incoming mail according to your needs. Read article

What is the maximum email message size?

Do you need to send large emails? We unpack the limit our servers allow for messages to be sent or received, and we recommend alternative means of sending large mails. Read article

POP vs IMAP – What’s the difference?

We clarify the debate around POP vs IMAP. POP, if you always access your mail on only one device. IMAP, if you access your mail on multiple devices. Read article

How to view your email?

You can access your domain’s email via a desktop or mobile mail client of your choice, or online via WebMail. Read on to find out how to view your email using either option. Read article

How to auto set up your email address in Mac Mail?

Use this autoconfiguration tool to quickly and easily setup your mail accounts on any Mac device. Read article